Unlike most of out-of-the-box solution for websites, Web For Actors templates are built with actors in mind. What that means is that the WordPress actor websites, WIX actor websites and Weebly actor websites that you see out there, these weren’t really built for actors. If you replace the word “actor” with the word “musician” or “comedian” or even “designer” you will get the same exact websites being advertised, and let’s face it, you can’t do the same in real life, so why would you go for that on the web?
Just look at all the features that Web For Actorsoffers and you’ll know that no other website builder can even compare. When we sit down to discuss each template, we don’t say, “hey, this video page can be used by youtubers or gamers or bloggers”. No, Web For Actors is for ACTORS. If you’re not an actor, and you still want to use it, fine. You may get a bit lost why videos are called “reels” and photos are called “headshots” and why all headshots are cropped to 8 by 10 by default. You may also not get why the contact page has representation option and why your SEO might claim that you are “non-union” when you don’t select an affiliation.
Like I said, we build websites for actors. Most of those who claim that do the same simply build profile pages and fill it blindly with your information. So if you need just any website, use any website builder. If you need an actor website, use Web For Actors.